Wetland Identification
- Wetlands Delineation and Mapping - Project Site Plan Review - Mitigation Site Design - Aerial Photograph Interpretation - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Verification - Monitoring Studies - Wetland Impact Analysis - Public Presentations - GIS and GPS Mapping Services
Environmental Assessment and Surveys
- Threatened and Endangered Species - Rare Plant Surveys - Botanical Surveys - Moonwort (Botrychium) Surveys - Northern Leopard Frog Surveys
Stream, Lake and Wildlife Habitat Restoration
- Design of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Projects - Fish Habitat Restoration - Wetland Creation and Planting for Birds and Wildlife - Pond & Lake Enhancement - Stream and River Restoration and Enhancement - Construction Management - Planting and Seeding of Mitigation and Restoration Areas
Water Quality Improvement
- Wetland Treatment of Stormwater - Watershed Management Consulting - Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution Reduction - Water Quality Investigations - Erosion Control and Sediment Retention - Wastewater Treatment